Tuesday 23 December 2014

Kuching again - Dec 21, 2014

Hey I'm going to skype on the morning of the 26th here, so Christmas night for you all.

Kuching is awesome, I love the branch, I know most of the active members already. There is a family here that just went to the temple, I reactivated them in Kota Sentosa, then they moved to Matang branch (cause they live there...) and they just went to the temple! And now I get to serve with them again!

I got to go to a few members houses in other branches for caroling (haven't seen anyone from Sentosa yet...) but that was cool to get to see members again!

Opposite end of Kuching, like South Calgary, and North Calgary.

Anyways, its been a good week, moving around a ton, my mission has cost the church a fortune :P

Jumpa Lagi,

Elder Bester

Did you have a Christmas program in sacrament meeting?

No we didn't, but we have been doing carolling.

I gave a talk Yesterday on strengthening faith, that was really good, I enjoyed it (I got told about it Saturday night :P)

Dad's lame :P No pictures from Japan!?

So, we sent some pictures

I appreciate that the first picture Dad uploaded was food :P

also, I wanted to challenge dad officially, to a 100M freestyle race when I come home. I won't have swam for 2 years, so it gives him a chance.

Dad says how about a 50?

Nope, Dad well need to work if he wants to beat me in the 100, in the 50 he won't have the same motivation. If it's a 50 he'll procrastinate and I'll beat him by 10 seconds :P

If he gets to work, he could put up a fight in 8 months.

Know what's sad? even without swimming, I'll probably be able to beat all my times when I come home... (except maybe the breast stroke times...)

And sis reeves read your blog and told me today that if someone gets to pick you up from your mission it should be me, which I agree with. But it might be fun to go back, like the summer after, just need to figure out how to pay for it.

remember that it's a way different culture, so if you come, you'll have to endure some things :P

I see a mission hasn't changed you as much as I thought! Still trash talking

the change has been in different aspects of my life :P

but for reals though, I think I could beat a lot of my times because my body is stronger... my upper body is better, and my legs are used all day for biking... I think I could beat my freestyle, fly, and back times... just not Breast Stroke... cause I was way good.. and I had technique... that I've probably lost

Anyways Im going!
Jumpa Lagi!
Elder Bester


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